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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Florida Legislature Addresses Sea Level Rise

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

With 1,350 miles of coastline, you’d think that Florida would be bullish when it came to addressing coastal flooding caused by global warming.  Yet until recently, not only did the state legislature do little to address the fears of those who live near the coast, but it refused to entertain discussion about sea level rise.  All that changed when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed two bills into law last week that pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in flood control projects.  While some who live near the coast have said it’s about time, others who’ve seen water in their neighborhoods rise on clear days during high tide think it’s too little too late.  So severe is the threat of flooding in some coastal communities that three Florida insurers recently announced they wouldn’t renew some 53,000 homeowner’s policies.  More than an inconvenience, this has left many homeowners scrambling to find coverage just as hurricane season begins.  If you live on or near the coast and are wondering what you should do to protect your property from flooding, here are my top-10 tips.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Come Hail and High Water

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Thunderstorm season is right around the corner in the deep south.  With it will come torrential rain and frozen projectiles that can ding cars and roofs with abandon.  Hail and water damage are some of the most prevalent insurance claims during the long, hot Florida summer.  If you’re unfortunate enough to be under the center of a thunderhead during an afternoon gulley washer, don’t be surprised if you wind up filing either a homeowner’s or a comprehensive claim in the next few months.  To help you avoid the worst of the damage that hail and high water can accomplish, as well as to let you know what to do if you need to file a claim, I’ve come up with a top-10 list you’ll want to peruse.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Are You Ready for National Bike Month?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

May is National Bike Month.  That means it’s time to save some gas by putting pedal power to the test.  May 5 was Bike to School Day and May 17-23 is Bike to Work Week.  That means whether you choose to participate or not, you’re likely to see a lot more bicycles on the road than usual in the next two weeks.  To help you make the most of two-wheel human-powered transportation, I thought I’d give you ten helpful tips to make bicycling better.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

More Trouble with Travel

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

In last week’s blog, I reported on the fact that while many Americans are dying to go on vacation after a year of being cooped up due to COVID-19, possible complications can arise if you happen to catch Coronavirus while away from home.  This week, I intend to share with you some little-known laws that you may inadvertently break while overseas.  Yes, Virginia, you can indeed run afoul of the law for doing things or possessing things in foreign lands that are perfectly legal in the good old US of A.  While some of the infractions will cause you to be fined, others could get you locked up. 

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...