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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Do You Know the ABCs of Homeowner's Insurance?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

If you own a home, be it a house, a condo, or a mobile home, odds are you purchased home insurance to protect your investment.  Being that your home is undoubtedly one of your biggest investments, wouldn't it be nice to know what is and isn't covered by homeowner's insurance?  Wouldn't it also be helpful if you could discover ways to bolster your protection so you don't wind up having any of your claims denied in the future?  Below you'll find my alphabetized list of the 20 most common causes of damage to a home, as well as whether it's a covered under a standard policy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How to Protect Your Tech During a Hurricane

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

You wouldn't know that we're well into hurricane season by looking at the weather in the Atlantic.  This year's Atlantic hurricanes have been few and far between so far.  While that may make everyone who lives on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts breathe a sigh of relief, remember we're not out of the woods yet.  We still have a long way to go between now and November 30.  Since prime time for hurricane season starts in just a couple of weeks, I thought I'd take the time to give you a few tips on how to protect your tech.  Since we live in a wired world, most of us have lots of technology that is all too vulnerable to things like lightning strikes and power outages.  What can be especially problematic to both homeowners and business owners is if the power remains out for more than a day or so.  With that in mind, I've come up with ten ways you can bolster your connectivity and protect your expensive technology from the wrath of Mother Nature.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How to Lower the Price for Teen Auto Insurance

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

If there's one thing that puts the fear of God into every parent, it's the day their son or daughter asks to borrow the keys to the car.  Especially in this day and age when the cost to insure a teenage driver can more than double your insurance premiums, I thought I'd take the time to teach you how to make those payments a bit more affordable.  Just as there are ways for any driver to reduce the cost of auto insurance, there are a number of things you and your child can do to keep costs down.  Below is my top-10 list.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

10 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy picpedia

If you've been reading my blogs for long, you'll recall that I've pointed out many times that credit scores are used to determine how much the public pays for insurance.  Like it or not, those with higher credit scores pay less for the same insurance products than do those with lower scores.  That's because all insurance is based on risk and consumers who have low credit scores are considered a higher risk than those with high credit scores.  While this might seem unfair to any consumer with a low score, instead of getting mad why not get even instead.  You see, there are a number of ways that every consumer can raise their credit score without breaking the bank.  To help point you in the right direction, I've come up with a list of ten ways to raise your credit score.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...