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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

How is Hail Damage Covered?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

It's that time of the year again Floridians, when thunderstorms are an almost daily occurrence for the next few months.  Along with high wind and torrential rain, some thunderheads pack an icy surprise: hailstones. Their size can range from pees to baseballs.  They can fall from the sky at over a hundred miles per hour, damaging homes, yards, vehicles, and more.  If you wind up with property that's been dinged, cracked, shattered, or that looks as dimpled as a golf ball once the storm has passed, do you know if the damage is a covered claim?  Are you prepared to document the damage before the icy evidence melts away?  If you're wondering how to make sure you get every penny that's coming to you from hail damage, you've come to the right place.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

How to Avoid the Perils of Plumbing

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

Everyone thinks that electricity is the zenith of modern society.  While the electric light is one of the greatest inventions of all time, of equal or greater importance would have to have been the invention of indoor plumbing.  I mean you might not like it, but you can survive for a few days when the lights go out if you have to.  Take it from a Floridian where the occasional hurricane blacks out entire neighborhoods for days on end.  But if the water were to stop flowing, now that would be a catastrophe.   Without water to drink, bathe in or flush the commode, the lack of every other modern convenience would quickly pale by comparison.  What's almost as bad is when a pipe bursts or a sink or a toilet backs up.  That's when most of us are forced to bite the bullet to call in a plumber, and we all know how expensive that can be.  To help keep your home dry and your family happy, I thought I'd take a few minutes to show you ten things you can do to avoid having a plumbing crisis.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Can Thieves Steal Your Home?

 By Catherine Philips

Image courtesy pxhere

Unless you live in a tiny house or a mobile home, most homeowners don't believe it's possible for thieves to steal their home.  But what some people are learning the hard way is that crooks don't have to rent a tractor trailer to haul away their domicile.  All they have to do is go down to city hall and get a copy of their deed.  Then they're off to the races.  Called house stealing, this crime is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative ripoffs around.  Below I'll show you how this crime works, how it can cost you your home, and what you can do to thwart the thieves.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Don't Fall for These Text Message Scams

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

Texting used to be a useful and efficient method of communication.  It allowed us to interface with friends, send birthday greetings, and enable us to interact with others without having to step outside to take a call. But now thieves, con men, and hackers are using this medium to make many people's lives miserable.  Known as smishing, text message scams are on the rise.  Before you wind up succumbing to one of these con games, here are ten things you need to know.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...