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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The History and Mystery of Airbags

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Ever since there were automobiles, there were automobile accidents.  Back before the turn of the 20th century, when motorized vehicles were slowly supplanting the horse and buggy, there were even some fatal accidents.  One of the first occurred on August 31, 1869, when Mary Ward was thrown from a steam-powered contrivance only to be run over by it.  Back then, steam, electric, and gas-powered vehicles were nothing like today's automobiles.  Few had doors.  Some had only three wheels.  None of the engineering used to develop early automobiles took safety into consideration.  While today's vehicles are far safer than they were when the first horseless carriages hit the road, that doesn't mean that they've stopped evolving.  In this week's blog, I'll take you through the development and evolution of the airbag.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

10 Things You Need to Know About Water Damage

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

As I write this, California just finished getting hit by yet another powerful winter storm that's spawning massive floods. Since we Floridians aren't immune from thunderstorms and seasonal flooding, I thought I'd take the time today to explain the ins and outs of water damage.  That's because while homeowners'policies cover some forms of water damage, they exclude others.  Water damage can come in various shapes and sizes. It can also cause collateral damage that needs to be properly documented so you can get reimbursed.  Knowing what's what when you wind up ankle deep in water that has no place being in your home can mean the difference between making your property whole again or going down with the ship.  With that in mind, here are ten tips to help you make sense when your home is suddenly sopping wet.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

10 Online Mistakes That Can Ruin a Business

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

As they say, technology is a two-edged sword.  Use it correctly and it can help you build a business.  Use it incorrectly and it can ruin any business.  The problem today is that the Internet is a complicated and sometimes confusing marketplace in which to do business. To help you keep your business from making any costly techno-errors, I've come up with a list of 10 things you want to avoid online.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Weirdest Things That Have Ever Been Insured

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

In this all too wild world there are many things that most of us need to protect from damage or destruction.  That's why insurance was invented, to take some of the risk off an individual's shoulders.  While everyone needs to protect major property investments as well as our own personal well-being, what many outside the insurance industry don't realize is that there are insurance products designed to mitigate the risk from some fairly outlandish potential calamities.  In today's blog, I'll explore ten of the weirdest things ever to be insured.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...