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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Are You Covered from the Call of the Wild?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pxhere

I was just glancing through the news feeds when I noticed a story covered by one of our local TV stations.  It seems that a suburban neighborhood on the Southside was surprised to find their neighborhood has been overrun by feral pigs. We're not talking cute pink piggies here.  We're talking about furry, toothsome wild boars roaming the streets looking for something to eat. The broadcast suggested that wild pigs, deer and other wildlife were there because a 50-acre woodland had been bulldozed to make way for a new apartment complex.  It got me thinking about the time when my folks moved from New Jersey to Palm Coast only to find out they'd more or less moved into Wild Kingdom.  My mom would tell me about otters and a gator living in the canal behind her home.  My dad routinely saw deer crossing the street and once found what could only have been bear paw prints on his driveway.  Fortunately, they never had an encounter with the wildlife that treated their neighborhood like a causeway.  But I've heard stories of Florida residents having their property damaged by aggressive animal intruders.  So, I thought I'd take the time to clue you in on what's covered by insurance if the call of the wild pays you a visit.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Brief History of Car Theft

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pxhere

With today's automobiles being more computer than car, it amazes me that they're so easy to break into and steal. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is peruse portals like TikTok and Google to find tens of thousands of car theft videos.  Still, you'd think there would be an app or a device that could ensure the security of the family sedan.  Since the average car or light truck now costs what a house did a few decades ago, the financial loss can be extreme to the average household.  Therefore, I thought I'd take the time to cover the history of car theft and the evolution of car security systems.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How to Fight the Flight Follies

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Did you know that TSA recently set a new record for the number of people that flew in the US?  On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 2,907,398 passengers boarded flights in this country.  That represented a 10 % increase from the previous year.  That doesn't necessarily mean that everyone made it through security and onto their destination without a hitch.  That's because things like check-in snafus, weather, and other unanticipated factors can cause flight delays or cancellations that can derail an otherwise uneventful trip.  To help you avoid what I call the flight follies, I've come up with ten tips designed to make your next airline trip a smooth landing.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Are Smart Appliances a Dumb Idea?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Smart devices have been touted as being a boon to consumers.  Smart refrigerators cannot only tell you when you're running low on milk, they can help you place your order for more.  Smart thermostats allow you to change the temperature of your home from nearly anywhere on the planet.  Smart locks will unlock your door without having to fumble for your keys.  What's not to like?  Well, it turns out that there's a hidden dark cloud in the smart silver lining.  What many security consultants now say is that most smart devices are vulnerable to hacking that can compromise your home, your data, and more.  Before you purchase a smart device, here are some things you need to consider.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...