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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Is New Car Replacement Coverage Worth It?

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy flickr
There’s nothing like owning a new car.  That new car smell, the cutting-edge technology, and the pride of ownership are things that are bound to get your pulse racing almost as fast as redlining the engine.  And why not?  With an average cost of $31,455 in 2018, buying a new car is as expensive as buying a house was to many of our parents.  Of course, back before the turn of the century the most high-tech piece of hardware in most cars was a cd-player.  Now vehicles come equipped from the factory with everything from satellite radio and GPS to touchscreens and backup cameras.   With that kind of investment, you want to make sure that your pride and joy is protected from any foreseeable damage, as well as being able to replace your new car with a similar make and model should it get totaled.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pulling Off the Perfect Staycation

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy flickr
If you’re like most Americans, cabin fever has set in with a vengeance after two months of being cooped up with your family.  So, why am I writing a blog dedicated to glorifying staycations?  That’s because there’s a difference between loving and hating the greet indoors.  While a lot of you are still working from home, which forces many to deal with the distractions of kids cavorting in the background, there’s a way to keep from going off the deep end when you’re forced to spend most of your time indoors with the family.  The trick to turning Club Dread into Club Med is to understand the difference between family activities and forced labor. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

It Isn't Easy Going Green

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy flickr
While everyone is still focused on the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, this week I thought I’d change the channel to something that could do the entire planet some good.  That’s because while the headlines have been screaming Coronavirus for the past month, many people missed the 50th anniversary of Earth Day that occurred on April 22.  Started in 1970, Earth Day was used as a rallying cry for people from around the world to stem the degradation of the fragile planet upon which we all live.  In a strange way, the COVID-19 crisis has done its part to assist Earth Day 2020 by forcing the eight billion people who populate Planet Earth to drive less, which has noticeably improved the air quality globally.  Below are five milestones that Earth Day has achieved as well as a few ways in which we can all reduce our carbon footprint so our grandchildren will be able to enjoy the one 100th anniversary of this perennial environmental movement.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Is There Such a Thing as Safe Sports Anymore?

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pikrepo
While we all have to admit that seeing everyone wearing surgical masks is still a little weird, that doesn’t mean that the fear of Corona virus should keep you from enjoying the beautiful spring weather we’re having.  If anything, COVID-19 has motivated more people to get outside.  Whether it’s to soak up some sun, mow the lawn, take a walk or ride their bikes, I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of my neighbors who seem to be unusually active these days.  I guess that’s what cabin fever will do for you.  If you’re sick and tired of being cooped up at home but are concerned about the possibility of contracting Corona virus, I thought I’d take the time to give you a head’s up on what’s considered safe athletic activities.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...