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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Does Florida's Home Insurance Meltdown Get You Down?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Two weeks ago, Farmer's became the fourth major company to pull out of the Florida home insurance market.  This came on the heels of a record increase in the cost of homeowner's insurance in the state, making many fear that they soon may not be able to either find or afford to insure their homes.  Since the average cost of home insurance in Florida is already three times that of most other states in the nation, this has the potential to effect everything from home values to the 2024 elections.  If you live in Florida and are losing sleep worrying over your home insurance, this week's blog will show you what's what and who's who in the Florida home Insurance scene.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

When Does a Big Lie Become a Big Headache?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Over the past couple of years, it's becoming increasingly hard to tell what's true online and what's a big lie.  Everything from fake news to deep fakes that use software designed to mimic the looks, voices, and mannerisms of real politicians and celebrities have flooded Cyberspace.  If all that isn't bad enough, consumers now also have to be doubly sure that emails, ads, and software updates are the real deal as well.  Click on a link from one of these poison pills and you'll be in for a world of hurt.  To help keep you from having your data stolen, your device hijacked, or your life ruined, I've listed ten big lies you need to be made aware of if you hope to safely surf the web.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Don't Get Taken for a Ride with an E-Bike

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

Bicycling is terrific exercise, as well as a great way to cut down on your carbon footprint.  Instead of firing up my car, I routinely bicycle to and from stores and cafes that are within a 5-mile radius of my home.  Since bicycles don't come with a trunk, I sometimes strap a backpack onto the seat of my recumbent bike.  This way I can take small purchases with me.  If I want to haul a load of groceries, I use a 2-wheel pet carrier that attaches to the rear hub of my bike.  That being said, since my office is more than 5-miles from home, I've resisted the urge to commute to work by bike.  By the time I got there, I'd be dripping with sweat.  However, of late I've been considering the purchase of an e-bike to make commuting a lot easier.  For those of you who've been thinking of purchasing an electric bicycle, I thought I'd give you a few tips.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Insurance Rules of the Road for RV Owners

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy pxhere

If you own an RV, then you long for the call of the open road.  Especially now that vacation season is upon us, the urge to pack you and yours into your rolling summer home can be all but irresistible.  But before you load up your camper and hit the road, there are a few things you need to know about your liabilities as a driver of a house on wheels. Below are the 10 insurance rules of the road every RV owner should learn to heed.

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...