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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Spy on Your Driveway

By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Once again the ever-seeing eye of Big Brother rears its ugly head to remove what little we have of our privacy.  If it isn't bad enough that our phones and computers divulge privileged information to government and big business interests, then we have to worry about everything from our TV's and smart devices to health trackers and doorbell cameras ratting us out.  In this all too wired world, is there any place that the average citizen can go where their every move isn't monitored, recorded, and forwarded to the highest bidder?  Or was George Orwell really just an optimist?  Until the past few years, the average American could count on being safe and secure in the confines of the family sedan, provided they turned their smartphone off while they drove.  But I'm sad to say that this is no longer the case unless you drive a classic car.  Like it or not, every late model vehicle on the road today is equipped with spy gear that would do James Bond Proud.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How to Seniorize the Family Home

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

I can still recall having to climb over baby gates and untie cabinet handles that my sister had sealed shut to keep her toddler from getting into anything that could cause harm.  Several decades later I found myself doing much the same to keep my elderly mom from injuring herself.  Only instead of installing devices to keep an 80-something out, I invested a considerable amount of time and money looking for ways to keep mom from slipping, tripping, or burning herself as she navigated the family home.  If you're a baby boomer like me and are facing serious safety issues with your aging parents, the following ten tips could save you some sleepless nights while saving your loved one a trip to the emergency room.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Is Minimum Coverage a Massive Mistake?

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

Times are tough and money is tight.  We all need to conserve cash.  I understand that.  Most people these days are cutting back on everything from entertainment and eating out to vacations and impulse buying.  Many of us are looking for ways to tighten our belts in order to reduce our overhead.  That's all well and good.  While reducing your overhead is always a good idea, when it comes to insuring your assets you need to crunch some numbers before you pare your coverage to the bone.  To help you decide what to cut and what to keep, below are ten things you need to consider when assessing your insurance needs.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Phroggers: The Houseguests from Hell

 By Catherine Powell

Image courtesy Pixabay

They say guests are a lot like fish because they start to stink after three days.  At least, that was Ben Franklin's take on unwanted houseguests.  While company who overstay their welcome is an all too familiar nuisance, particularly to those of us who live in sunny Florida, there's one kind of houseguest who's even more annoying than others: Phroggers.  Phrogging is similar to squatting where a tenant occupies someone else's property without their consent.  Unlike squatters, who occupy vacant homes, phroggers are people who take up residence in homes that are currently occupied.  If that doesn't sound creepy enough, the antics of phroggers can cost homeowners to lose sleep at night since these freeloaders can damage their property or disrupt their lives while they're in residence.  

Are Senior Citizens Becoming the Drug of Choice for Mexican Cartels?

By Catherine Powell Image courtesy Microsoft Image Creator In the past few years, I've written a number of posts about scams used to dup...