By Catherine Powell
only have 3 to 5 minutes to live.
All it takes to unleash a fatal firestorm
in the typical home is 3 to 5 minutes.
That’s how long it takes a flashover to occur in a room that catches
fire. Once a fire erupts, it quickly
spreads to furnishings and draperies.
This feeds the flame and quickly causes the temperature near the ceiling
to soar to 1,100 degrees. At that point,
everything in the room that can burn, will burn. Even worse is the blinding smoke and poisonous
fumes that can be unleashed in seconds and a person can perish long before the
fire gets to them. Below are the top-8 things you need to know to deal with a house-fire.
Minute 1 – In the first minute of a house-fire, the ignition stage is the point
where an electrical short or an errant fireplace ember goes from smolder to
flame, or a pot left on the stove goes from smoking to flaming. Reach the fire at this stage with a working
fire extinguisher and you can most likely extinguish it. However, within 30-60 seconds of ignition, the
fire is likely to set nearby furnishings ablaze.
Minute 2 - If you hear the smoke detector go off, don’t assume you can safely deal
with the fire on your own, even if you own a fire extinguisher. In less than the time it takes you to run
from your bedroom to the living room or kitchen, a small fire can turn into a
big fire. Opening a door can add enough
oxygen to a fire to cause a flashover.
If you hear the smoke alarm go off, the best thing you can do is sniff around
the doorjamb to find out if you can smell smoke. Then put your hand on the door (not the knob)
to see if it’s warm. If the door is
cold, you can open it a crack to see if the smoke has reached your location. If
it has, call 911 immediately. Then get
everyone out of your home as quickly and safely as possible. If you don’t detect smoke, carefully follow your
nose as you approach the smoke detector.
Minute 3 – Most people have no idea of how fast a fire can grow and spread inside
a structure. They assume that it takes
10-minutes or more for a fire to go from flareup to ferocious. They’re dead wrong. Within three minutes of ignition, the growth
stage of a fire can quickly consume all the furnishings, not to mention most of
the oxygen in a room. Trying to douse the flames with a fire extinguisher at
this stage isn’t only impractical, it’s possibly the last thing you’ll do. The only thing to do at this point is run for
the nearest exit while you can still find it.
Minutes 4 & 5 – Just as a nuclear pile can reach critical mass, so too can a house-fire. In the world of firefighting,
the term that’s used is flashover. This
is the point in a conflagration where the temperature at the ceiling reaches
1,100 degrees. At this stage, everything
combustible in a room catches fire simultaneously. Sometimes the furnishings in a room will
burst into flames and in other cases the mixture of volatile gases trapped in a
room can erupt with explosive force.
Needless to say, if you enter a room that’s nearing flashover, it could
be the last thing you ever do.
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Why would someone
enter a burning room? – One of the things that amazes firefighters is how
common it is for victims to exit their home only to rush back in. The reasons can be anything from trying to
rescue a loved one or a pet, to attempting to salvage a keepsake. Once a fire is clearly out of control, the
only prudent thing to do is to exit the structure and stay out. It’s better to wait for the fire department
to arrive than to wind up getting trapped in a burning building. If someone is trapped inside, trying to rush
to their rescue could wind up costing both your lives. Better to try to break a window away from the
flames to help affect an escape than to wind up getting overcome by smoke. This goes for pet rescues too. As for keepsakes, things can be replaced, lives
When was the last
time you inspected your fire extinguisher? – There’s a
big difference between having a fire extinguisher and knowing how to operate
it. That means if a fire flares up in
your home, the amount of time it takes you to read the instructions and employ
the extinguisher could mean the difference between dousing a fire and having it
reach the point where a fire extinguisher can no longer put it out. Even worse, if you haven’t inspected your
extinguisher in years, it could lead you to discovering that while the device
is handy, it no longer functions. If you
want to have a fighting chance of fighting a fire before it gets out of
control, you need to check to see if your extinguisher is fully charged at
least once a year. Then, you need to
read the instructions to familiarize yourself with the device, so you won’t wind
up in a position where your extinguisher isn’t able to do the thing it was
designed to do.
8. What’s the plan, Stan? – Last but not least, you need to familiarize everyone in your household
with the do’s and don’ts of fire safety.
That means showing your family what to do if a fire breaks out or the
smoke alarm activates. It also means
familiarizing them with the location and operation of all the extinguishers in
your home, as well as all the escape routes to take in the event of a
Catherine Powell is the owner of A Plus
All Florida, Insurance in Orange Park, Florida.
To find out more ways to save on flood insurance, check out her website
Learn not to burn. Talk to your family about fire prevention.
ReplyDeleteGreat article and great advice.